maio 10, 2019

Getting Tested Together Is the Sexiest Thing You Can Do

Talking about STD testing shows that you rewally care about your partner, and it can make you closer.
maio 10, 2019

How a Transgender Woman Found Love of Her Life

A transgender woman shares her inspiring story on how to find true love despite all the blames and misconceptions.
maio 10, 2019

Should LGBT Clubs Be Kept Secret from Parents?

Canada's media is now touched about whether parents should be told if their children are members of gay-straight alliances.
maio 10, 2019

Fresh Ideas for a Stylish Pride Bar

We collected some ideas for pride bars that you would want to implement. Neon colors are hottest new trend again.
maio 10, 2019

Reasons to Stay Proud Now When Pride Month Is Over

It's been a little while since the pride month is over. Let's have a look at the results.